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  • September Stewardship Needs

    We are in need of flat fold, cloth diapers for Lutheran World Relief Baby Kits.  
    There will be envelopes in the pews in September labeled "Dollars for Diapers".  Envelopes can be placed in the offering plates/box, which will be given to the church office.  Donated money will be used to buy the diapers for Baby Kits. 4 diapers are needed for each kit.  Also needed in the kit are 4 large diaper pins. Diapers can also be purchased and placed in the Stewardship Cabinet across from the church office.

  • God's Work. Our Hands.

    Faith's God's Work. Our Hands. will be Sunday, September 8.  The morning will begin with worship at 9:00.  Service opportunities will begin after worship and most will conclude by noon.  A bag lunch will be provided to all who participate. 

    Commit to a time of giving to others by signing-up in the outer narthex after August 16, or by contacting Christine in the church office.

    On-site service opportunities at Faith Lutheran Church include: interior church projects, tying fleece blankets, soup making, packing kits for LWR, and a variety of activities for our Sunday School youth.

    The website committee would be grateful for photos of Faith's members in action serving God's world.  Submit photos to Christine at