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Faith Lutheran Church Leadership

Lay leadership is central to the living out the vision and mission of Faith Lutheran Church, as we live out our call to be living stones that build our spiritual house.- 1 Peter 2:5

As members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American (ELCA), Faith Lutheran operates in partnership with the church-wise Synod and in cooperation with other congregations.

Faith Lutheran is governed through a Congregational Council, which consists of an elected Council Representative (Director) from each of the congregation’s seven operating Boards, a Youth member, and the Executive Committee. 

The Executive Committee includes the pastor and five officers; the President, Vice President, Vice President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer. 

All active voting members in good standing are eligible for church leadership positions.  Complete information on leadership qualifications, responsibilities and service terms area available from the church office.

Key Council Duties

Leads the congregation in stating its mission, perform long-range planning, determine goals and priorities, and ensure activities are in line with congregational mission, vision, and goals.

Provides general oversight of the life and activities of Faith Lutheran Church.

Oversees and administers congregation finances and property.

Manages employment and supervises the church staff and offers support when needed.

Seeks to involve all members in worship, learning, witness, service, and support.

Ensures the congregation’s constitution and its bylaws are carried out.

Operating Boards

Seven boards are responsible for working with the pastor to support the ongoing operations of Faith Lutheran Church. These boards are staffed by volunteers committing to at least one year of service.

The Board of Lay Ministry – Coordinates and plans regularly scheduled and special worship services; trains and schedules worship volunteers; and helps recruit and oversee paid worship positions.

The Board of Evangelism - Welcomes and engages visitors, community members, and active and in-active church members; and reaches out those in need of encouragement and support.

The Board of Christian Education –Develops, implements, and supervises the congregation’s Christian education programs, teaching the Word of God through ministries such as Sunday School, Confirmation, Vacation Bible School, Bible Studies and Adult study programs.

The Board of Stewardship - Strengthens members in their knowledge and understanding of their role as God’s stewards of time, talent and treasure; prepares annual budgets; ensure financial affairs of the congregation are conducted efficiently and transparently,.

The Board of Church Properties - Maintains all church properties; collaborates with the Cemetery Committee in maintaining cemetery grounds; trains and supervises the maintenance staff; conducts regular checks for access, safety and liability issues.

The Board of Fellowship - Develops programs to meet the social needs of the congregation and community; plans special fellowship events; works with other churches and groups on community-building events; oversees and volunteers for funeral luncheons.

The Board of Youth and Family Ministry – Encourages and invites all youth, parents and family members into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through educational events, Christian fellowship,  service activities, and recreation.  Sets policies, offers training and recruits volunteers.