Community and Beyond
This dedicated group of quilters meets once a week on Thursday mornings to sew and tie quilts that are distributed to people in nearby communities and around the world through Lutheran World Relief.
Faith’s Pantry
Faith’s Food Pantry serves the needs of those in western Manitowoc County. Faith invites community members in need to an Open Pantry the third Saturday of every month. If you wish to donate goods for those in need through our pantry, check out our Pantry Needs List.
Hands on Mission
This group coordinates and supports mission trips to areas affected by floods, hurricanes, fires and other natural disasters.
Lutheran World Relief Kits
Faith Lutheran Church members collect and assemble supplies for Health, Fabric, School and Layette Kits for people in refugee camps, hospitals and villages around the world. If you wish to donate goods for those in need through Lutheran World Relief, check out our LWR Needs List.
God's Work. Our Hands.
This event is held the second Sunday in September and offers members of all ages opportunities to serve others. Thank you to those who participated in 2023!