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QR Code

Faith Lutheran Church offers a new way of financial giving.  To contribute to a number of areas, simply scan this QR Code and follow the instructions.  

You can give to any of the following: General Offering, Lent/Holiday, Church Property or World Hunger.  You can make a one-time donation or make reoccurring donations.  

Faith's Community Pantry

Lent begins March 5th with Ash Wednesday and what a perfect time to help re-stock Faith’s Open Pantry!  You’re encouraged to take part in this very easy and rewarding event. Each week will be a different theme with items pertaining to the theme.  Bring your bagged items and place them into the grocery carts located in the Gathering Space area. Thank you for your support of Faith’s Pantry.  – Sandy Halverson  

March 5-12 - Let’s get personal: Shampoo for men and women, bar soap, body wash, body lotion, shaving cream and razors for men and women, deodorant, dental hygiene items, toilet paper, facial tissue and anything else personal.  

March 12-19 - Spring cleaning time: Assorted cleaning supplies, paper towels, sponges, toilet bowl cleaner/brush, window cleaner, bleach, furniture polish, baking soda, vinegar, shower cleaner, scrubbing powder, oven cleaner, laundry soap, dish soap, and any other cleaning items.  

March 19-26 - Time for comforting casseroles: Assorted noodles, canned chicken, tuna, cream soups, soups, sauerkraut, veggies, pork n beans, Minute rice, crackers, boxed meals, instant potatoes.  

March 26-April 2 - Rise ‘n shine: Coffee (instant), hot cocoa mixes, tea, oatmeal, pancake mixes, syrup, jam, jelly, peanut butter, honey, granola bars, Pop-tarts, nuts, raisins, canned fruit, juice boxes.  

April 2-9 - Time to bake: Bread flour, all-purpose flour, white, brown and powdered sugars, baking powder, baking soda, vanilla, spices, cake mixes, cookie mixes, dessert mixes, yeast, corn syrup, Pam spray, vegetable oil, shortening, assorted chocolate chips, canned frosting, cooking oil, evaporated/sweetened condensed. Milk, nuts, Jello, pudding and anything for baking.  

April 9-16 - Miscellaneous items: Gluten-free items for people with gluten intolerance .  Baby items such as shampoo, diaper cream, diapers of all sizes, pull-ups of all sizes, anything baby. Lunch box items, snack items, sweet treats, cookies, crackers, juice boxes, cheese and cracker packs.  

LWR Fabric Kits

The special stewardship project for February and March is LWR Fabric Kits                                                                                                           Items donated should be marked “Fabric Kits” and placed inside the stewardship cabinet across from the church office.

> One piece of cotton or cotton blend fabric (no knits or 100% polyester). The fabric should have no stains or holes and be cut into pieces measuring: 
       2 ¼ yards of 60” wide fabric 
       3 yards of 44” wide fabric 
       4 yards of 36” wide fabric 
> 2 spools of matching or neutral colored general-purpose thread (250-300 yards each)

Faith's Designated Funds

Previously known as Memorial Funds, these are funds with a special designated use, unlike Faith's General Fund. Although these funds may still be used to provide a memorial gift, they may also be used to honor someone at any time or to recognize a special day or occasion.  Click here  to see the list of Faith's Designated Funds.  Please contact Christine if you have questions about how to donate to these funds.