Sunday Fellowship Hour
There are opportunities to serve and/or prepare refreshments for the coffee/social hour following Sunday service.
Funeral Committees
Faith Lutheran has two funeral groups that help prepare and serve funeral luncheons and receptions at funerals. Additional volunteers set up and take down tables and chairs for these events.
Lay Sacramentarians
Lay Sacramentarians are volunteers who distribute Communion to shut-ins on a monthly basis. They bring along devotionals (and soup made by Soup for the Souls if appropriate) and conduct a communion service in the individual’s home or nursing home facility.
Hands On Mission
Hands on Mission is always looking for volunteers. This group coordinates and supports mission trips to areas affected by floods, hurricanes, fires and other natural disasters.
This dedicated group of volunteers meets at church on Thursday mornings to complete all steps of the tied quilt process. Sewing experience is not needed. Quilts are distributed world-wide through Lutheran World Relief. Please join us for fellowship with busy hands.
Altar Guild
Volunteers assist with altar and communion preparations, as well as holiday decorations and the needs of special services.
Soup for the Souls
Participants in Soup for the Souls gather a few times a year to prepare soup for the homebound, grieving and recovering members of the congregation.